Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I think I have a problem. Obsession. It's actually quite a big problem.

I become obsessed over a lot of things. Some little, some large. Maybe it's not obsession though, maybe it's just phases. I never wanted to be a phase person but I think I might just be. I've always wanted to be the trendsetter not the follower, but doesn't everyone want that? I suppose I could call myself a trendsetter only because I like more unusual things that soon become popular. Kings of Leon for instance. Loved, LOVED 'Youth and Young Manhood' Kings of Leon's debut album. I enjoyed their second album, and somewhat the third album. One of my favorite songs being "On Call". But for some reason when everyone else starts becoming 'obsessed' over something I believe I am 'obsessed' with, I start to hate whatever that something is. Therefore I seem to go through phases.

I get frustrated with these phases I go through because I can simply never stick with anything. For the most part, I'm constantly changing. This has nothing to do with trendsetting but an example of these so called 'phases' would be my major or career path. When I was younger I always told my mother I'd be a "baby doctor" when I grew up (Obstetrical gynecologist: Also known as OB/GYN). Years ago I decided I would rather be a neurosurgeon and operate on brains (sounds awesome, right?). I decided I would major in Biology and perhaps do something, anything really, in the medical field. I love math and science. Up until the past few months I was on track with this plan. But of course everyone I talked to had the same goal and the people I nanny for are both doctors. I heard enough stories and aspirations it made me sick. Soon enough my dreams faded. I have now changed my major to Art and Interior Design. Wahoo.

I'm starting to think maybe I just shouldn't become fascinated with anything, maybe then will be the time I actually stick with something. Something I dislike that is. How will I ever get over this 'phase' of phases in life?

Those of you that said college and growing up was fun, your words of wisdom are completely false. College blows and so does decision making. I NEVER WANT TO GROW UP.

This is my first blog post and as expected I am now 'obsessed'.

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